iPhone Pulse Oximeter

iPhone Pulse Oximter that you can use to measure your pulse by plugging it into your iPhone. Its when I see little gadgets like this that I am reminded the technology industry really does put out some wonderful things and not just fluff products. While it is not officially listed as a medical device, it can probably be used at least as a warning sign.

iPhone Pulse Oximeter

While it is not officially listed as a medical device, it can probably be used at least as a warning sign. Furthermore, it can have a whole series of other uses particularly with fitness. If you want to measure your heart rate while running, this device will give you a very clear reading. One of the cool things is that you can even export data in CSV format, which can be uploaded to excel. If you really wanted you could get very technical with it and graph your improvements over the same jogging route. Basically, fitter people have their hearts less in use and also restore to resting heartbeat faster. Of course temperature and such plays a role, but still a good idea for fitness nuts.

Remarkably it can even measure oxygen saturation while the person is moving which is fairly strange really and certainly an interesting feature. Apparently it is even a specifically patented technology by the company behind the device: Masimo.


  • Export data in CSV format.
  • Works with iOS 5.0 and above
  • Measures both oxygen saturation and pulse rate.


Amazon: 4.5/5

Turn Medical: 4.5/5

The overall verdict with the item is that it works and does what it is meant to do well. Some reviewers have placed question marks over whether it should cost as much as it does, but if you need this type of item then just buy it.

Product Name:

Masimo ISPO2-3587 Ispo2 Pulse Oximeter

