Electric Shock Game

The lightning reaction electric shock game is a fun game, though the shock packs a surprising punch. Basically, there are four controllers and a buzzer. When the buzzer goes, everyone presses the button and the last to press theirs gets an electric shock. However, if you press the button before the buzzer goes you also get an electric shock.

Electric Shock Game

The game makes a surprisingly fun party game for children and drunk adults. It can get a bit much sometimes, and grows annoying when you have that one friend who insists on constantly playing it. Of course, that one friend knows that it is annoying and as a result it is part of the fun for them. Strangely, it is that one friend that happens to be the one who buys this so go ahead and buy it, annoying friend!

Lightning Reaction Reloaded Box

One idea for a drinking game with this is that every time you get an electric shock you have to take a shot. Of course, this drinking game will result in you getting drunk very quickly but it can still be very fun. It is also worth buying this item just for its awesome box and cover art, which is so 80′s that it has become hip again.

