World of Warcraft Horde Banner
A real life banner with the Symbol of the Horde army from World of Warcraft. This is a great gift for anyone who is a fan of MMO game and the item itself is a fairly high quality cotton weave.
The item has received perfect reviews on Amazon thus far, with three reviews giving it five out of five. It is a perfectly faithful version of the Horde logo, as you can see from the image below:
It is worth noting that if you are a parent seeking to buy a World of Warcraft item for one of your children that they can be very picky about whether they are Horde or Alliance. Most people do not much care, but there are a few that are passionately on one side or the other. As a result it is best to try to find out before you buy the item.
- Quality made out of cotton weave that happens to be quite thick.
- 76 cms by 58 cms
- Layering is applied to the fabric so the color is not just dyed in.
Our Review:
The logo on it is really perfect. It looks exactly like the horde logo that is featured on tabbards in the game. This is kinda important because Horde players tend to be a bit more ‘patriotic’ as the Horde is typically the underdog in PvP due to lower numbers or something, somehow.
The other thing with this item is that it is definitely a high quality product. The material is quite durable and very well made with layers used for coloring. What this means in practice is that over time the color basically does not really fade. If you hang this item up on your wall it will basically last, as it is, forever.
The item is basically so high quality that there are no real negative customer reviews on Amazon. The lowest score given was four out of five which is very impressive..
The first issue with the item is that, like all items, it will eventually fade. This is particularly the case if you use it outside and it repeatedly gets wet and such. Its a problem that is going to apply to all material items pretty well no matter their quality and it is worth noting that in the case of this banner it is not really a major problem. I really hate making nitpick complaints like this about items, and this complaint really is a nitpick.
The second and final negative with this item is that it is not designed to be used out doors. Generally items like this have a nice comedy value to them and it can be fun to hang them up outside your home, on your car and just generally where it is going to be seen, where is outside. As such it is a bit of a pain that this is for indoor use only.
A high quality item perfect for World of Warcraft fans and specifically Horde players. Would be nice if it could be used outside as well though.
Product Name:
World of Warcraft Banner of the Horde